Causes of Dry Eye

Dry Eye causing factors. 

Dry Eye (or Ocular Surface Disease) has many causing factors.

An imbalance occurs on the tear film.

Inflammation starts.

A vicious cycle continues.

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Overgrowth of eyelid & eyelash bacteria creates crusty flakes, sticky lashes, or a film on the eyelid margin (waterline). Demodex mites can even hide in eyelash follicles and on the face. Toxins are released into the tears which create irritation.

Eyelids that remain slightly open while sleeping don’t have a good seal. Air dries out the exposed eye. Half blinks also create unstable tears

Your environment can induce dry eye. Increased screen time, dry air, direct fans or A/C, seasonal or environmental allergens.

Certain health conditions can contribute to the inflammatory aspect of dry eye, such as autoimmune conditions or any condition that causes inflammation. Lack of sleep or poor diet can be contributing factors to poor ocular surface.

History of contact lens wear, LASIK, cataract, refractive surgery, or any previous corneal injury can increase symptoms of dry eye.

Dry Eye Risk Factors


Certain Medications (Prescribed or Over The Counter)


Previous Surgeries on the cornea

Work Conditions (poor air quality, fumes, screen time)


Systemic Conditions

Environmental (dry, dusty, windy)

History of contact lens use